
Student-driven Sustainability Project of the Year Award

Miniature Microbial Fuel Cell Based Biosensor

Finalist of the Student-driven Sustainability Project of the Year Award

"Living the dreams"

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The project witnessed the successful integration of young bright minds from the two countries India and Taiwan to come up with a solution to detect hazardous hexavalent chromium metal in waste water. Hexavalent chromium is a toxic industrial pollutant and a classified carcinogen possessing mutagenic and teratogenic properties. Its extensive use and disposal in water bodies have led to environmental concern. Hence, the detection of toxic Cr(VI) compounds is crucial. However, most of the methods commonly used are not for real time on-site monitoring but are offsite measurement techniques. The novel miniature microbial biosensor fabricated with microbial fuel cell technology demonstrated potential for simultaneous production of electricity and detection of hexavalent chromium which would open up avenues for powering nano devices.

Key People

Miau, Jiun-Jih
Distinguished Professor
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,  National Cheng Kung University

Further key people


I would like to thank my beloved family members especially my wife for giving me endless supports to accomplish my achievement. Last but not least, I like to give credits to my CII and TBFE who are the backbone of my success.






microbial fuel cell based biosensor detecting hexavalent chromium by showing drop in voltage

polarisation curve showing voltage developed for the carbon cloth and conductive silver glue anode electrode in the biosensor.

The mini biosensor demonstrating potential for simultaneous production of electricity and detection of hexavalent chromium.

Group meetings on every Wednesday.Students discussing with Professor and fellow lab mates

Professors from IIT Guwahati, India and Taiwan discussing with the students on the progress of the project

Hexavalent chromium among top five toxic contaminants.


Impacting lifes

First of all, I will like to thank Prof Jiun-Jih Miau as my mentor and supervisor in my research journey. I was his student and he always strictly discipline his students whenever we were doing our research. His guidance and philosophy towards research attitude had greatly motivated me to strike forward to become a successful researcher. Although I wasn’t the most outstanding among my peers however, my perseverance and passion lead me to my success today. Furthermore, I found out the important of knowledge sharing and culture-crossing communication between local and foreign researchers, which later leads me to start an organization call Center of Inter-Integration (CII). This organization narrows the gaps between each research field and even creates networks between researcher, universities and even ministries.


Lessons learned

I always believe that leaders should have 3C characteristics to lead a success organization. The first “C” is capability, leaders should not only have the intelligence for science or business strategy, but also the wisdom for application and investigation skills to magnify the potential of individuals which optimize the capability of their teams. Secondly, leaders should be proficient in communication which is the second “C”. Good communication brings closer relationship between each individual at the same widen the network across different disciplines. Lastly, leaders must always treasure the Chances (third “C”) that given to them. Not every smart person is always successful, however successful person always hold on to their chances.


What's coming?

My future plans to promote more labs cooperation between universities locally and internationally. This helps our local students to expose to new design techniques, cultures and ethics that foreign researchers are valuing. Currently, I’m very grateful to receive the invitation from our Taiwan government to participate in a joint venture with India education ministry for three years (2020 -2023) which give me an opportunity to further improve the communication between researchers and students from India and Taiwan.



Scholarly members of Center of Inter-Integration


Participants and invited speakers of Reading Club


Research members of Thermofluid Bio-Energy Lab

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